Step 4: Operation Guide - Push-Button, Alarm, and Light Indicators

Step 1: Pre-Use Check - Machine Inspection
Step 2: Connection Issues - Unable to Connect to Computer
Step 3: Operational Issues - Unable to Process Properly
Step 4: Operation Guide - Push-Button, Alarm, and Light Indicators

Step 4: Operation Guide - Push-Button, Alarm, and Light Indicators

This section explains when alarms trigger during operation and how to correctly use the buttons and lights. Refer to the provided videos for detailed guidance on handling alarms and operating the controls effectively.

4.1 When does the alarm trigger?

4.1 When does the alarm trigger?

Refer to specific alarm videos for different scenarios.

4.2 How to operate the lights and buttons?

4.2 How to operate the lights and buttons?

Refer to a simple video guide for button and light operation.